AI in English Language Teaching: Past, Present, Future
In this talk, we will present the results of a specifically commissioned research paper into Artificial Intelligence (AI) in English Language Teaching (ELT). This research paper is part of a larger project on AI in ELT, commissioned by the British Council. First, we will briefly review the key issues that emerge from the literature on AI and the teaching of English in education systems globally, drawing from existing research and evidence in the field.
Then, we will highlight the potential role of AI in ELT and teacher professional development. We will attempt to look ahead and examine key opportunities and challenges, incorporating a series of stakeholder voices ranging from teachers to government representatives, higher education, private language schools, and ELT and EdTech sector experts.
Finally, we will identify areas for further enquiry that have emerged from the research, such as the need for industry-specific ethics statements or examples of best practice. The talk will end with some direction or areas for further consideration in future research or activities.
The British Council is organising this pre-conference partner event with three main objectives
- To present our research findings that uncover the historical trends for AI in ELT that have led to where we are now. This is the first in depth systematic review of this area.
- To make some predictions about what comes next based on the views of a range of global stakeholders
- Stimulate wider discussion amongst experts, practitioners and policy makers on the challenges and opportunities of AI in ELT
Date: Thursday 28 September 2023
Time: 16.00-16.45 hrs (Bangkok time)
Location: Zoom webinar
Register for online seat at
Dr Helen Crompton
Dr Crompton is the Executive Director of the Research Institute for Digital Innovation in Learning (RIDIL) at ODUGlobal and a Professor of Instructional Technology, at Old Dominion University (ODU). Dr Crompton is also the Director of the Virtual Reality Lab at ODU. Dr Crompton draws from 30 years in education and a Ph.D. in educational technology and mathematics education from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr Crompton is on Stanford’s list of the top 2% of scientists in the world and has received numerous awards in the USA and her home country England for her work in technology integration
Dr Adam Edmett
Dr Adam is Head of Ed Tech Innovation for the British Council and currently based in Delhi, India. Adam has 27 years’ experience in English Language Teaching and digital learning technology with roles in fourteen countries. He has a Doctorate from the University of Bath and an MA from the Open University, both in Online Education.
Neenaz Ichaporia
Neenaz Ichaporia is EdTech Lead at the British Council, currently based in Mumbai, India. She ensures quality standards and innovation in EdTech for English language teacher development. She is currently completing an MSc in Digital Education from the University of Edinburgh. She has presented several talks on online learning and digital futures including IATEFL Harrogate 2023, World Teachers’ Day 2022, and New Directions Yokohama, 2019.
This event is part of the Bett Asia 2023 conference, Bangkok 4-5 October 2023.
For more information and registration for the full conference, please visit