Arthon Prompatanapak received his MSc in Business and Management from the UK. He is currently Program Director, Master of Management in Entrepreneurship (MME) at Bangkok University.

Arthon Prompatanapak received his MSc in Business and Management from the UK. He is currently Program Director, Master of Management in Entrepreneurship (MME) at Bangkok University.
Asst.Prof Asst. Prof. Seksiri Niwattisaiwong received an MSc in Economics from the UK. She is currently a lecturer at Chiang Mai University.
Chudsananun Bunnag obtained her MSc in Event Management from the UK. She is currently an account executive at The Exclusive Will Public Relations Agency.
Haruthai Gongsakdi received her MA in Women’s Studies from the UK. She currently works for the British Embassy in Bangkok.
Nuphak Charoensirisoonthorn received his MA in English Linguistics from the UK. He is currently a lecturer at the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University.
Prakaiwan Saengvirochanakul received her MBA from the UK. She is currently a management associate with AIA Thailand.
Setha Tienpiragul received her LLM in International Trade and Commercial Law from the UK. She is currently a public prosecutor at the Office of The Attorney General.
Teepakorn Komolphanporn received his LLM in International Commercial Law from the UK. He is currently a judge at The Courts of Justice of Thailand.
Thiti Sirithanakorn received his BSc in Mathematical Tripos from the UK. He is currently a scientist at the National Science Museum (NSM).
Veerapong Napapongchantra received his MSc in Engineering with Innovation and Entrepreneurship from the UK. He is currently a business owner.